First off, it’s essential to know that no one should ever make you feel pressured into an abortion—not even your parents. Your pregnancy decision is yours alone to make, and getting an abortion after feeling pressured is a risk factor for experiencing adverse mental health outcomes (like depression and anxiety). 

With all that being said, what you’re experiencing likely feels complicated. On the one hand, you love your parents, but on the other, you have to do what feels right for you. This tension can cause conflict, but there are steps you can take to help things go smoothly. 

Learn All You Can About Your Pregnancy Options

Learning all you can about your pregnancy options will help you be able to stand strong and defend your decision against people who try to pressure you according to their own opinions. 

Besides abortion, your pregnancy options include parenting and adoption. At Vie Medical, we’re here to provide medically accurate information about your pregnancy options as well as the space to ask questions. 

Create a Communication Plan 

Once you understand your options, it’s important to use that information to create a communication plan. This will serve as an outline for helping you talk to your parents and empower you to feel prepared.

When creating a communication plan, here are some points to consider:

  • What pregnancy decision am I leaning toward? Why?
  • What do I know about abortion? How can I communicate my reasons for not wanting an abortion to my parents?
  • How will I respond if my parents continue to pressure me into an abortion? 
  • What questions can I ask to understand my parents’ point of view while maintaining my own decision?

By thinking through these elements, you will go into future conversations feeling more confident and able to stand strong.

You’re Not Alone

Feeling pressured by your parents is likely just adding stress upon stress right now. But it’s important to know that you’re not alone. At Vie Medical Clinic, we’re here for you. We’re here to listen, provide information, and support you as you navigate pregnancy and beyond. 

Contact us today to schedule a free, confidential appointment. 
