An ultrasound is a simple scan that uses high-frequency sound waves to create a picture of your internal structures.

If you’re pregnant, an ultrasound can reveal key information about your pregnancy to help you stay safe. 

Read on to learn more about what ultrasound can show during pregnancy and what to expect during a scan. Or, if you’re looking for a free, limited ultrasound, contact Vie Medical Clinic today to schedule your confidential appointment. 

What Can Ultrasound Reveal About My Pregnancy?

While a pregnancy test is the first step to confirming your pregnancy, an ultrasound is the second step in confirming the viability of your pregnancy. 

Viability refers to whether your pregnancy has a detectable heartbeat or whether you’ve had a miscarriage. This is important since roughly 26% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Ultrasound can also reveal the age of your pregnancy, which can determine your pregnancy options. For example, medical abortion is only FDA-approved if your pregnancy is under 10 weeks old. 

Finally, an ultrasound can show the location of your pregnancy, which is vital for ruling out an ectopic pregnancy—this is when a pregnancy grows outside your uterus and requires emergency medical treatment.

What Can I Expect During an Ultrasound Scan? 

There are two different types of ultrasound used during pregnancy: abdominal and transvaginal. At Vie Medical Clinic, we offer both types of ultrasound during pregnancy. The type of ultrasound you receive will depend on the estimated age of your pregnancy: Earlier pregnancies will receive a transvaginal ultrasound, since this offers a clearer image of the pregnancy, while later pregnancies will receive an abdominal ultrasound. 

Both types of ultrasound utilize a transducer (the wand-like part of the ultrasound machine) to transmit the sound waves. If you’re receiving an abdominal ultrasound, the transducer will be moved along your lower abdomen; if you’re receiving a transvaginal ultrasound, the transducer will be inserted gently into your vagina.

During both types of ultrasound, you will be given the opportunity to see your pregnancy on the screen and ask questions. 

Receive a Free, Limited Ultrasound Before Making a Pregnancy Decision

Before you make any decision about how to move forward in your pregnancy, it’s critical to get an ultrasound.

Don’t delay. Schedule your free, limited ultrasound appointment at Vie Medical Clinic today. We understand what you’re going through right now. And we’re here for you every step of the way.
